BoltOn uses MassTransit bus for all the queueing.

In order to use the bus, do the following:

  • Install BoltOn.Bus.MassTransit NuGet package.
  • Call BoltOnMassTransitModule() in your startup's BoltOn() method.
  • For all the applications that will be just publishing to the queue, configure RabbitMq host and all other settings using MassTransit's extension method for AddMassTransit. Check out this page for the supported configuration. Also refer MassTransit's documentation for all the other supported transports (other than RabbitMq), BoltOnMassTransitModule is transport agnostic.
  • For all the applications that will be consuming messages from the queue, follow all the above steps and then configure BoltOn's AppMessageConsumer<TMessage> provided by the above mentioned NuGet package.
  • Finally, inject IAppServiceBus in your application and call PublishAsync method to publish your message.


Publisher Configuration

services.BoltOn(options =>

services.AddMassTransit(x =>
    x.AddBus(provider => MassTransit.Bus.Factory.CreateUsingRabbitMq(cfg =>
        var host = cfg.Host(new Uri("rabbitmq://localhost:5672"), hostConfigurator =>

Consumer Configuration

serviceCollection.AddMassTransit(x =>
        .Endpoint(e =>
            e.Name = $"{nameof(StudentCreatedEvent)}_queue";

    x.UsingRabbitMq((context, cfg) =>
        cfg.Host(new Uri(rabbitmqUri), hostConfigurator =>

        cfg.ReceiveEndpoint($"{nameof(StudentCreatedEvent)}_queue", e =>


  • As MassTransit had abstracted out the transport like RabbitMq, Azure Service Bus etc., and all the other things very well, BoltOn just adds a minor add-on AppMessageConsumer<TMessage> to it, which injects IRequestor for processing TMessage of type IRequest.
  • As the consumer injects IRequestor and uses it for processing the messages, please refer to Requestor documentation to know how to add handlers and its internals.
  • Starting and stopping bus gets taken care by PostRegistrationTask and CleanupTask respectively.